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Fantastic artwork! I've bought all your fantasy related assets. You keep adding great stuff! Are you by any chance working on  an archer character? Love the wizard - nice death animation :) - if possible could the wizard be extended to a version without the drawn wand?

Regardless: thanks for this new addition!

All excellent packs, totally worth the money! Pretty much baught almost all packs here. I do love your background image with the animated women with the golden laurels, is that one also for sale? (I imagine this to be a really good looking startscreen eye catcher)

Thank you so much for your purchases! I'm glad you enjoyed them. A note about the background image, however: it's not available for sale. But you can find a smaller, 64x64 portrait of her in my free asset pack, which is available for all :)

Well, it was worth a try though. This image is really beautiful in it's detail and animation, but I do understand not everything is for sale. The smaller version just won't do but thanks for mentioning.

Ahh!~ I absolutely love the succubus pixel art you have made! Is there any chance you would consider creating a succubus pixel avatar commission for me? C:

hi, you can message me on fiverr for commissions

can i use this in rpg maker vx ace? if so im happy to purchase


I have never used rpg maker vx ace, so I can't answer that

Very well done!


Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thys cutesexy wench from the pits madeth me acquire thine scrumptious bundle. Folks far and near, ye be warned, mighty fine pixels be abound!

On a more serious note, I saw that some animations (like the transform here on this preview above) use a very obvious white spot in the face, as a mouth I feel it's a tad too glaring, but maybe it's just me.

Hi, when you see white pixels on the  face that's the teeth :)


I love her! She's curvier than your previous work and  she has so many animations. I'm definitely going to use her in my projects!

Thank you Arie! :)